My First Game: GLBall

Ladies and gentlemen, I present you my first video game! 😀 As you can see, my lack of imagination led to this magnificent name: GLBall. I made this game during my last year in high school while I was still learning C and OpenGL. The technologies used for this game are C, OpenGL, Direct Input and Direct Sound.


OMG! I have a blog now!

Hello everyone!

My name is George but my friends are calling me Bekos. As you can easily guess from the title of this blog I am a Travelholic Coder. I really like computer programming and especially computer graphics and visualization. My favorite programming languages are C and C++ and I use both OpenGL and Direct3D.

Besides programming, my other passion is travelling! So far I haven’t been in many different countries (only 5) but hopefully one day I will be able to say that I have been all over the world! :)

So… after very careful consideration, brainstorming, fighting hordes of evil monsters, nose peeking and orange juice drinking I came to the following conclusion:

I need a blog!

In this blog I will share with you my coding and travelling experiences but I will also include other science and travelling related stuff.

C ya!